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Title: INQUIRY-TERMS- LEARNING- PERFORMANCE: Mutually Beneficial Exchanges
Presenter: Alan Knox, PhD, EED, University of Wisconsin
Facilitators: Curtis Olson, PhD, University of Wisconsin Mila Kostic, University of Pennsylvania
Archived Video
The SACME VJC on Wednesday, February 24 is about use of terminology to connect scholarly inquiry and professional learning activities. The recent JCEHP supplement on terminology, and a current International Compendium, illustrate ways to enhance mutually beneficial exchanges between scholarly inquiry and effective professional learning activities. This VLC session will be moderated by Alan Knox, who three years ago became an emeritus professor of education at the University of Wisconsin, and continues his long association with the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, Office of Continuing Professional Development. His recent book is Improving Professional Learning (2016) Stylus Publishing.
Preparation for the February 24 VJC session includes the following overview, and reading several related statements. Proposed discussion questions are provided.
Words Matter! A distinctive feature of the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME), among professional associations generally, is the centrality of mutually beneficial exchanges that occurred between scholarly practitioners and scholars of practice. For generations, SACME members, along with contributors, consulting editors, and readers of the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (JCEHP) have used their experience from various specialties in the helping professions. This abundance of experience and vision is especially apparent, at a time when there is a World Congress on Continuing Professional Development.
The Fall 2015 JCEHP supplement based on the Terminology Project, includes an editorial1 which is the main reading in preparation for the February 24, 2016 VJC session. A related reading is the editorial’s reference 8, on research to practice, based on a thematic analysis of earlier articles reported in JCEHP,2, regarding interrelated concepts and words for effective communication in the field.
The recent launch by practitioners and scholars of an International Compendium of Adult and Continuing Education (ICACE) provides both an opportunity and a resource of potential interest to VJC participants. An e- edition of the Compendium will provide a resource that builds on the pioneering terminology project, which focused on terminology related to four important types of professional learning activities. However, the Compendium will include more than 100 brief articles and related concepts, envisioned in the 2006 JCEHP article on systemic connections, that reflect the broad scope of major relationships entailed in effective professional learning and quality improvement.
This opportunity will occur because during 2016, proposals to author an article are being received from able practitioners and scholars from various countries and types of continuing education organizations. For interested VJC participants, a link is provided to the Compendium website, and to the presentation to launch the Compendium at a recent international conference general session.
During our hour-long February 24 VJC session, we will discuss ways in which each of us can guide mutually beneficial exchanges among people engaged in inquiry (educational research and evaluation) and practitioners, focus on enhanced professional learning and performance. As suggested in the recent JCEHP editorial, the effectiveness of professional learning and quality improvement sessions reflects a combination of personal and situational influences. Similar influences contribute to excellent professional performance. Clear understanding of terms for important concepts can facilitate exchanges among practitioners and scholars.
Discussion Questions
1. How important is it, in your University professional development program, to strengthen connections between scholarship and practice by people who help conduct professional learning activities for members of the health professions?
2. When conducting your professional development programs, how would you characterize typical relationships between scholarship and practice?
3. How difficult is use of terminology regarding communication among people in various specialties?
4. How does increased inter-professional education affect conducting professional learning activities and enhancing professional performance and benefits for patients?
1. Knox AB. Reflections on Terminology in the Continuing Education of Health Professionals. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2015;35:S43-S44.
2. MacIntosh-Murray A, Perrier L, Davis D. Research to practice in The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions: A thematic analysis of volumes 1 through 24. J Cont Educ Health Prof. 2006;26(3):230-243.
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