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CelebratING SACME's 50th Anniversary

We are thrilled to invite you to join us in celebrating a momentous milestone—our 50th anniversary! This half-century journey has been marked by remarkable achievements, cherished friendships, and unwavering support from dedicated members like you. Your commitment has shaped our organization and propelled it forward through the years.

As we reflect on our legacy, we warmly invite you to share your treasured memories, photos, and stories that highlight the spirit and history of our society. We will add them to the slideshow below and some special presentations throughout the year.

Stay tuned as we announce exciting educational programs as part of this year-long celebration. Let’s honor our past and look to a future filled with continued growth for the SACME community. 

Save the Dates for #SACME50!

SACME 2026 Annual Meeting
March 22 -25, 2026
Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Contribute to the 50th Anniversary Donation Campaign

Do you have some memories from past SACME events to share? Maybe you discovered an old issue of Intercom? We'd love to showcase a walk down memory lane at this special anniversary meeting. Please use the link below to share photos, documents, or a special memory to be included in our celebration of SACME history!

Share Your SACME Memories 


2024-2025 Kimberly D. Northrip, MD, MPH, University of Kentucky Healthcare CE Central

2022-2023 David Wiljer, PhD, University of Toronto

2020-2021 Betsy Williams, PhD, MPH, FSACME, University of Kansas School of Medicine

2018-2019 William Rayburn, MD, MBA, FSACME, Medical University of South Carolina

2016-2017 Ajit Sachdeva, MD, FACS, FRCSE, FSACME, American College of Surgeons

2015 Mary Turco, EdD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

2014 Ginny Jacobs, M.Ed., MLS, CHCP, University of Minnesota Medical School

2013 Deborah Samuel, MBA, American Academy of Pediatrics

2012 Pam McFadden, University of North Texas Health Science Center Gordon West, PhD, Annenberg Center for Health Sciences at Eisenhower

2011 Gabrielle Kane, MB,EdD, FRCPC, University of Washington School of Medicine

2010 Todd Dorman, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2009 Lois Colburn, University of Nebraska Medical Center

2008 Melinda Steele, MEd; Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

2007 Jocelyn Lockyer, PhD; University of Calgary

2006 Michael Fordis, MD; Baylor College of Medicine

2005 Martyn O. Hotvedt, PhD

2004 Craig M. Campbell, MD; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada/ Le Collège royale des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada

2003 Nancy Davis, PhD; American Academy of Family Physicians

2002 John R. Kues, PhD; University of Cincinnati

2001 Barbara E. Barnes, MD; University of Pittsburgh

2000 Paul J. Lambiase; University of Rochester

1999 John T. Parboosingh, MD; University of Ottawa

1998 Meryl H. Haber, MD; Rush Presbyterian, St. Lukes Medical Center

1997 David Davis, MD; University of Toronto

1996 William E. Easterling, Jr., MD; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

1995 Gloria Allington, MSEd; University of Miami

1994 George Smith, MD; University of Alabama

1993 R. Van Harrison, PhD; University of Michigan

1992 Martin P. Kantrowitz, MD; University of New Mexico

1991 Jack L. Mason, PhD; University of Maryland

1990 James C. Leist, EdD; Bowman Gray School of Medicine

1989 Robert J. Cullen, PhD; Case Western Reserve University

1988 D. Dale Dauphinee, MD; McGill University

1987 Dennis K. Wentz, MD; Vanderbilt University

1986 Harold A. Paul, MD; Rush Medical College

1985 Julian S. Reinschmidt, MD; Oregon Health Sciences University

1984 Oscar A. Thorup, MD; University of Virginia

1983 Gerald H. Escovitz, MD; Medical College of Pennsylvania

1982 George J. Race, MD; University of Texas, Dallas

1981 Richard M. Caplan, MD; University of Iowa

1980 Malcolm Watts, MD; University of California, San Francisco

1979 Gail Bank, PhD; Wayne State University

1978 Robert C. Combs, MD; University of California, Irvine

1977 Phil R. Manning, MD; University of Southern California

1976 Phil R. Manning, MD; University of Southern California 

Through the years

  • 1976 - Beginnings

    SACME established on April 2 as the Society of Medical College Directors of Continuing Medical Education (SMCDCME)


  • 1981

    First issue of Möbius published


  • 1982

    First Survey of Society members, First call for research papers


  • 1984

    Support of the Research and Development Resource Base in CME by the Society (Dave Davis), RICME I, Research in Continuing Medical Education (David Gullion, Lucy Ann Geiselman, Chairs), Training of Society interviewers for "The Change Study"


  • 1985

    Change Study interviews total 200


  • 1987

    First issue of INTERCOM published in January (Harold Paul, Dene Murray, Editors), Joint plenary session CME/SMCDCME: highlights of the Change Study


  • 1988

    First Congress on CME
    First honorary member of the Society (Cyril Houle)
    Title change from Mobius to The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
    Development of first membership brochure


  • 1989

    Strategic Plan for the Society
    Membership in the Council of Academic Societies


  • 1990

    First meeting of the "Armadillo Society" (Past Presidents) convened in San Antonio


  • 1994

    Research Endowment Council established
    Task force white paper, "The connection between continuing medical education and health care reform"


  • 1995

    Request from AAMC for statement on CME
    Reorganization of AAMC's Group on Educational Affairs (GEA)
    Pew-Glaxo Working Group on the Future of Academic CME
    Report of Society working group on ACCME essentials and standards, "Future directions for medical college continuing medical education"
    Request from ACCME for SACME accreditation surveyors


  • 1996

    Four Society task forces and focus groups address the task force report when the Society was invited to participate in the restructuring of the ACCME


  • 1997

    SMCDCME listserv established


  • 1998

    July 20, SMCDCME re-named the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME)


  • 2016

    SACME organizes "World Congress"


  • 2026

    SACME celebrates 50 years!





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14 Jan 2025 4:28 PM Erin Irtenkauf (Administrator)
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