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Nominating & Awards Committee

Chair: David Wiljer, PhD, FSACME


The Nominating & Awards Committee shall be comprised of the Regional Representatives, the Immediate Past-President who shall serve as committee chair and President-Elect who shall serve as co-chair. The executive secretariat shall serve as auditor. In 2018, the Nominating Committee and the Awards Committee merged to form one committee. 

Regarding Nominations: the Committee shall request nominations from the membership for all positions scheduled for balloting in the upcoming election and shall do so at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee may add to the list of qualified individuals nominated by the membership. It is the responsibility of the nominating committee to ensure that all nominees are voting members in good standing, to inform all candidates of the responsibilities of office, and to confirm that each is able and willing to serve. The Committee shall present in writing a slate of candidates at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting and announced through appropriate print and/or electronic notices. 

Regarding Awards: the Committee has the general responsibility of identifying and establishing appropriate awards to be made annually by the Society, of developing criteria for those awards, and of recommending candidates for the awards. Awards in each category are dependent upon suitable candidates and may or may not be awarded each year. Presentation takes place during SACME's Spring Meeting. There is an open nomination process that is announced and emailed to SACME members annually.

Recent calls for awards are posted under News and Announcements

Distinguished Service in Continuing Medical Education

This award may be given to an individual.  The criteria are: 
1. An individual who has made outstanding contributions to continuing medical education over an extended period. 
(A period of fifteen years or more is suggested as a guide.) 
2. An individual who has developed an outstanding innovation in continuing medical education representing an important advance in CME.

Research in Continuing Medical Education

This award is for an individual or a group of individuals. 
The criterion is an individual or group of individuals who have made outstanding contributions to research in continuing medical education.

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