Title: Self-Other Agreement in Multisource Feedback: Are Physicians Really So Bad at Self-Assessment (and Does it Matter)?
Presenter: Curtis Olson, PhD
Facilitator: Barbara Barnes, MD
Background: It is often stated that physicians are not good at self-assessment, and indeed there is a substantial body of evidence that supports this assertion. Multisource feedback is one strategy for addressing this problem and it has been the object of many studies. The present study examines the level of agreement between physician self-assessments and those of their colleagues and patients and explores factors that might influence the degree of agreement. Discussion of this study will raise some important questions about the global assertion that physicians can’t self-assess and suggest future lines of inquiry to enhance our understanding of this important topic.
Questions to be addressed in the discussion include:
Curt has selected the following recent articles to stimulate discussion on this topic.
Articles for Review in Support of the Discussion:
Additional readings for those who want to explore the topic further can be found in Roberts et al.’s excellent reference list.
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