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CE News: Articles, Updates and Resources

CE News Mission Statement

The mission of CE News is to curate relevant and timely information that will inspire and enhance the work of SACME members and the broader CPD community by nurturing an open forum to share, highlight, and discuss emergent and best practices in teaching, learning, and education scholarship.

CE News Editorial Team

Chief Editor

Robert Dantuono, MHA

Column Authors/Editors

Helena Filipe, MD, MMEd

Vjekoslav Hlede, PhD

Mila Kostic, CHCP, FACEHP

Helen Mawdsley, EdD

Eleftherios K. Soleas, PhD


Madison McDonnell

CE News is a quarterly publication of the Society for Continuing Medical Education.

Call for Case Studies & Abstracts!

You're encouraged to submit an article, abstract, case study, virtual link, or podcast about your CME/CPD program---its innovations, strategic initiatives, new curricula, learner outcomes, achievements, collaborations, public/private partnerships, MOC or scholarly research projects, a data-shot, etc. for publication in the newsletter. If you wish to author an article for CE News, please contact the editor: Robert D’Antuono.

  • 01 Jun 2022 5:02 PM | Deleted user

    Dear Readers,

    Spring has faded and most of us are living in the dead heat of summer. It’s hovering near triple digits here in Texas where I continue to cobble together another issue of CE News. I’m certain we would all prefer to be swimming on the Amalfi Coast or lunching at a small village restaurant in the Burgundy region of France. Whatever your dream may be, our editorial team has assembled a good variety of practical articles that might help you relax and pass the time on your next flight out of town.

    I am delighted with our two feature articles. The article on expanding MOC provides CME/CPD directors and assistant deans with insights into how to expand MOC participation and compliance at RSS’s using creative approaches. The second feature article offers 3 robust institutional case studies focused on how the AAMC’s “QIPS” competencies’ training has been successfully introduced to the clinical faculty and residents.

    Column articles in the Summer issue have addressed some controversial issues. Our Tips and Innovations column offers an insightful commentary on the need to include patients and community health data as part of a routine CME needs assessment process, while the Technology & E-Learning column speaks to the future integration of technology and CME whereby technology improves CME innovation and outcomes. Finally, please review the Publications & Scholarship article listings. In this issue, the column focuses on faculty development opportunities in areas that all providers are challenged to address with accredited CME activities

    Enjoy the issue and happy summer!

    Warm regards,


    G. Robert D’Antuono, MHA

    Chief Editor

    CE News

  • 31 May 2022 5:22 PM | Deleted user

    Current Listings | Summer 2022

    Interprofessional Leadership Development: Role of Emotional Intelligence and Communication Skills Training

    Sneha Shrivastava, MD, MSEd, Johanna Martinez, MD, MS, Daniel J. Coletti, PhD, Alice Fornari, EdD, RDN, https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11247


    Introduction: Among the many skills required for leading interprofessional health care teams, emotional intelligence and communication skills are critical to building professionalism, establishing patient trust, and providing optimal patient care. Nonetheless, these skills are often overlooked in medical training. We implemented a 2.5-hour workshop for interprofessional trainees to self-assess, reflect, and apply their emotional intelligence and communication skills. Methods: Participants were interprofessional trainees, including internal medicine residents, medical students, and graduate students in clinical pharmacy, physician assistant, and health psychology training programs. The workshop consisted of reflective activities to self-assess emotional intelligence and communication styles; a didactic presentation focused on leadership, emotional intelligence, and communication styles; and a teamwork activity to apply emotional intelligence and communication skills. Results: Forty-four trainees participated in this workshop. After the workshop, trainees reported increased knowledge about positive strategies to communicate with team members, felt more comfortable working with other professionals to encourage positive team dynamics, and were more prepared to encourage leadership in their interprofessional teams. Examination of learner evaluations suggested that residents endorsed higher mean ratings than the other learner groups in knowledge attainment (p = .02) and meeting all learners' needs (p = .01). Discussion: This workshop enhanced our trainees' self-reported comfort, awareness, and preparedness regarding using emotional intelligence and communication strategies. An interprofessional approach can be beneficial for leadership training in the health professions.

    Firearm Safety Counseling for Patients: An Interactive Curriculum for Trauma Providers

    Sarah C. Stokes, MD, Nikia R. McFadden, MD, Edgardo S. Salcedo, MD, Alana L. Beres, MD, MPH, https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11237


    Introduction: Firearm injuries are a major public health concern. Safe firearm storage is recommended by multiple medical organizations. However, rates of firearm safety counseling are particularly low among trauma providers. Educational initiatives for other provider groups have proven to be effective. We hypothesized that educating trauma providers to offer safety counseling would be similarly effective. Methods: We developed a didactic session around safe firearm storage counseling for trauma providers consisting of a lecture followed by an interactive session with standardized patients. Session participants completed pre- and post-surveys evaluating their knowledge about firearm storage, self-efficacy in providing firearm storage counseling, and attitudes towards firearm safety. We compared differences between pre- and post-survey data using chi-square tests. Results: The didactic session was delivered to target trauma providers: three trauma nurse practitioners, 42 general surgery residents, and 26 emergency medicine residents. After the session, participants were more likely to know the optimal way to safely store a firearm and to be confident in effectively counseling patients about safe firearm storage. Learners were not more likely to believe that providers have a responsibility to counsel patients on firearm safety. Discussion: A didactic session on safe firearm storage counseling was associated with increased rates of knowledge and self-efficacy. The session did not change attitudes among trauma providers, although, prior to the session, most providers already believed they had a responsibility to counsel patients on safe firearm storage. Similar curricula should be piloted at other trauma centers.

    CME Learning's Summary and Follow-Up Sheet for Journal Clubs and Recurring Case Conferences

    David Price, MD, Kate Felix, RN, PhD, https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.7823


    Introduction: This resource provides a process to document learnings, self-reported implementation of learnings, and barriers to implementing learnings from regularly scheduled recurring journal clubs and case conferences. This resource helps creates continuity between sessions, helps build a community of practice, and helps monitor the outcomes of these regularly scheduled series. Methods: This resource provides the meeting facilitators with a documentation tool, which we have modified based on user feedback and our ongoing efforts to track outcomes. The session facilitator (or designee) is responsible for the documentation. This resource includes a recent iteration of the documentation tool with instructions for use. Results: The initial results of our work have been published in the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. We have also presented the process at the 2008 Alliance for Continuing Medical Education meeting and the 2008 Continuing Medical Education Congress in Toronto as well as several regional Kaiser Permanente meetings. Others have described our process at the 2000 Alliance for Continuing Medical Education meeting. We have shared the template with a few other continuing medical education providers and modified it based upon their feedback as well as the feedback of our internal users. Discussion: We believe this tool will be helpful for others conducting regularly recurring educational meetings (case conferences, tumor boards, journal clubs) in documenting learnings and also meeting Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education reaccreditation requirements.

    Medical Teaching Resources for Faculty Developers

    Kalyani Premkumar, MD, PhD, Marcel D'Eon, PhD, MEd, Deirdre Bonnycastle https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.9336


    This module is a collection of 40 video vignettes developed for use by faculty developers in a variety of settings. The vignettes depict effective and ineffective teaching methods. There is an accompanying resource manual with guiding questions and suggestions for how the vignettes may be used in training.

    While many of the video vignettes target those who train medical faculty, others may be used by those involved in training the learners at all educational levels. Each video has been kept deliberately short so that it can be used to quickly demonstrate a technique, or as a starter for discussions. Using these, participants may be asked to critically analyze good and not-so-good ways of teaching. This DVD is divided into four major categories: presentation skills, active learning strategies, small-group teaching, and clinical teaching. Each category has been further divided into specific teaching methods. Questions added under each of the categories, may be used to actively engage participants watching the videos. This resource has been used as part of the 2-day Teaching Improvement Project Systems (TIPS) workshops to train faculty and residents at the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. TIPS is mandatory for all new faculty. All residents take TIPS in their first and second year of training. During TIPS, these videos are used to trigger discussions, as well as identify effective and ineffective teaching methods.

    Expanding Training in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Through a Multispecialty Graduate Medical Education Curriculum Designed for Fellows

    Anna Neumeier, MD, Andrew E. Levy, MD, Emily Gottenborg, MD, Tyler Anstett, DO, Read G. Pierce, MD, Darlene Tad-y, MD, https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11064


    Introduction: Although the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education requires quality improvement and patient safety (QIPS) training for fellow-level trainees, this experience is often insufficient due to lack of faculty time and expertise within fellowship training programs. We developed a centralized GME curriculum targeted to an integrated, multispecialty audience of fellow-level trainees with the goal of promoting leadership and scholarship in QIPS. Methods: The University of Colorado implemented the Fellows' Quality and Safety Academy, a three-seminar curriculum in patient safety and health systems improvement. As most participants had prior training in QIPS during medical school or residency, educational strategies emphasized application of QIPS concepts through focused didactic content review paired with small-group case-based exercises and coaching of experiential project work to promote content mastery as well as practice of leadership and scholarship strategies. Results: Since the curriculum's inception in 2017, there have been 106 participants in the Foundations in Patient Safety seminar, 49 participants in the Adverse Events Into Quality Improvement seminar, and 48 participants in the Quality in Academics seminar. These participants represented 44 separate fellowship disciplines from both adult and pediatric subspecialties. Learners reported improved attitudes and confidence and demonstrated objective knowledge acquisition across QIPS content domains. Discussion: Our pedagogical approach of centralizing QIPS training and harnessing faculty expertise to teach fellow-level trainees across specialties through interdisciplinary collaboration and interactive project-based work is an effective strategy to promote development of QIPS competencies during fellowship training.

    The Interprofessional Teaching Observation Program: A Faculty Development Workshop on Peer Feedback of Interprofessional Teaching

    Josette Rivera, MD, Tina Brock, EdD, Kathryn Eubank, MD, Angel Kuo, MSN, CPNP, Maria Wamsley, MD, https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11231


    Introduction: Faculty development focused on interprofessional education (IPE) is essential to any IPE initiative aiming to produce a collaborative practice-ready workforce. Many faculty have not received IPE in their own training and struggle with interprofessional teaching. Methods: To train faculty to conduct a peer-teaching observation and provide feedback focused on interprofessional teaching, we created a 3-hour didactic and skills practice workshop. The didactic portion considered ways interprofessional teaching differed from uniprofessional teaching, discussed elements of effective feedback, and reviewed the critical steps of a peer-teaching observation. In the skills practice portion, participants watched videos of different teaching scenarios and role-played as a peer observer providing feedback to the instructor in the videos. Participants completed a pre/post self-assessment and workshop evaluation form. Results: Eighteen faculty from four professions (dentistry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy) participated in the workshop from 2020 to 2021. On a 5-point scale (1 = poor, 5 = excellent), participants rated the overall workshop quality 4.9 and the likelihood of making a change in their teaching/professional practice 4.8. Workshop participants’ self-reported ability to provide feedback to a peer on their interprofessional teaching improved after workshop participation (preworkshop M = 2.9, postworkshop M = 3.8, p < .01). Discussion: This IPE-focused faculty development workshop allows participants to practice skills and share their own interprofessional teaching insights and challenges. The workshop is adaptable for different professions and settings and for in-person or online implementation. It also can be integrated into an existing program or utilized as a stand-alone workshop.

    Science of Learning Strategy Series: Article 1, Distributed Practice

    Van Hoof, Thomas J. MD, EdD; Sumeracki, Megan A. PhD; Madan, Christopher R. PhD Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions: Winter 2021 - Volume 41 - Issue 1 - p 59-62 doi: 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000315


    Distributed practice is an evidence-based, learning-science strategy that is relevant to the planning and implementation of continuing professional development (CPD). Spacing-out study or practice over time allows the brain multiple opportunities to process new and complex information in an efficient way, thus increasing the likelihood of mastery and memory. Research from cognitive psychology and neuroscience provide the rationale for distributed practice, and examples of its implementation in health professions education have begun to appear in the literature. If used appropriately or extended creatively, some common CPD interventions can fully leverage distributed practice. Through increased understanding, CPD planners can benefit from distributed practice in efforts to improve educational activities, and CPD participants can benefit by making more informed educational choices.

    Science of Learning Strategy Series: Article 2, Retrieval Practice

    Van Hoof, Thomas J. MD, EdD; Madan, Christopher R. PhD; Sumeracki, Megan A. PhD, Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions: Spring 2021 - Volume 41 - Issue 2 - p 119-123 doi: 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000335


    Retrieval practice is an evidence-based, science of learning strategy that is relevant to the planning and implementation of continuing professional development (CPD). Retrieval practice requires one to examine long-term memory to work with priority information again in working memory. Retrieval practice improves learning in two ways. It improves memory for the information itself (direct benefit), and retrieval practice provides feedback about what needs additional effort (indirect). Both benefits contribute significantly to durable learning. Research from cognitive psychology and neuroscience provides the rationale for retrieval practice, and examples of its implementation in health professions education are increasingly available in the literature. Through appropriate utilization, CPD participants can benefit from retrieval practice by making more-informed educational choices, and CPD planners can benefit in efforts to improve educational activities.

    Science of Learning Strategy Series: Article 3, Interleaving

    Van Hoof, Thomas J. MD, EdD; Sumeracki, Megan A. PhD; Madan, Christopher R. PhD, Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions: February 17, 2022 - Volume - Issue - doi: 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000418


    Interleaving is an evidence-based, learning-science strategy that is relevant to the planning and implementation of continuing professional development (CPD). Mixing related but different areas of study forces the brain to reconcile the relationship between the areas while understanding each area well. By doing so, interleaving increases the likelihood of mastery and memory. Research from cognitive psychology and neuroscience provides the rationale for interleaving, and examples of its implementation in health profession education have begun to appear in the literature. If utilized appropriately, some common CPD interventions can leverage interleaving. Through increased understanding, CPD participants can benefit from interleaving by making more-informed educational choices, and CPD planners can benefit in efforts to improve educational activities.

    Guest column editor for Summer Issue: Robert D’Antuono, MHA

    This column aims to provide a list of insightful publications on topics of interest to teaching faculty and professionals in CME/CPD.

  • 31 May 2022 5:10 PM | Deleted user

    Column Editors: Eleftherios K. Soleas, PhD and Helen Mawdsley, EdD

    This column will focus on practice innovations, emerging trends, and practical high-impact tools as well as what these mean for CME/CPD.

    Commentary: An Open Letter about Audacious Kindness for the CPD Profession

    By Helen Mawdsley, EdD and Eleftherios K. Soleas, PhD

    As the editors of this column, we feel compelled to discuss an issue important to us: the wellbeing of the professionals who make CPD happen. Our desks at our home offices beckon to many of us and with many of us returning to the office, in-person, perhaps you feel as we do that there is a feeling of scarce little stability in an otherwise chaotic time.

    First, we want to validate this feeling and say that is normal to feel this way and there is nothing wrong with looking around and wanting a modicum of unity and tranquility. As it so happens, wishes rarely come true immediately after they are made. It seems that we, as a profession, have to decide and act to make our wish for a harmonious time happen.

    As folks return to their offices and rejoin their peers, take the time to be kind to one another. The only way that we can create the normalcy that we perhaps crave is to acknowledge that change has happened and work together to discover the new normal. Working as a team has far less to do with proximity than how we treat and treasure each other as human beings. We are going to have to build each other up to make ourselves the best we can be. That how we can be kind.

    Here is what we are doing:

    • We are noticing instead of seeing people
    • We are listening to what they are telling us instead of hearing them
    • We are doing what we can to make shared spaces livable instead of functional
    • We are making a pot of coffee instead of a cup when we know others are around
    • We are looking for the good in the people around us
    • We are finding ways to make people's days brighter - mostly with carbs, but always with a smile

    CPD is about the people we work with and serve. Take heart in the fact that our work remains important, people who care about us work with us, and that your work makes the world kinder and brighter. Some of us will be in office and some of us won’t be. We’ve made that work for two years and frankly it better fits with some of our lives than commuting to the office. The fact of the matter is nothing works for everyone. Except kindness, kindness works for everyone.

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    Whose Needs are you Assessing Anyway: Why the Unit of Analysis Matters for CPD Needs Assessments

    By Helen Mawdsley, EdD and Eleftherios K. Soleas, PhD

    We know that drawing on multiple data sources for needs assessment is a practical way to overcome the limitations that physicians have in their ability to accurately self-assess their learning needs (Davis, Mazmanian, Fordis, Van Harrison, Thorpe, & Perrior, 2006). We agree, and would like to maintain that drawing on multiple data sources for needs assessment is indeed prudent; however, we would like to discuss the point of view of how the unit of analysis within CPD needs assessment needs some attention as well. Specifically, what if we told you that a perfectly valid target of a needs assessment is establishing the needs of the community, rather than the clinician?

    In needs assessments, who you ask very much determines what you will find. Out of respect for the time of readers, we’ll put this question frankly: if the goal of healthcare is better community health, shouldn’t the most common or at least co-common audience of needs assessments be the community? If we accept the premise of this first question, the natural next is what does a needs assessment look like that works for community needs? The simple answer is non-existent, but the more complex answer necessitates a rebalancing of perceived (usually healthcare provider derived) and unperceived (typically community and systems-based) needs dependent on higher-order evaluations and outcomes data. So what stands in the way of doing that? Here are a few likely suspects for your consideration:

    • Access to data. Higher-order evaluation data does not grow on trees, but it can be acquired although access typically requires effort, resources and partnerships.
    • Community ‘buy-in’ data. These data are most frequently systems-level data and come from a combination of large-scale studies, some of which are published and available in the literature.
    • Ethical clearance and ability to de-identify data. Systems-level data tend to be highly protected for excellent reason, therefore strong ethical protocols and partnerships are necessary to access these data.
    • Availability of skillsets. The statisticians who perform the necessary data analysis for these needs assessments don’t grow on trees and no matter how much they talk about ‘z-scores’ or ‘normality’ we can’t escape the need for them.
    • Evaluating at the community-level vs clinical-level. While it may make it more challenging to directly attribute changes to CPD, it’s much harder to observe these higher-order outcomes, and to understand if the CPD intervention is working or not.

    A CPD needs assessment where the unit of analysis is the clinician, relies on clinician self-assessment.

    Epstein, Siegel, & Silberman (2018) stated that clinician self-assessment is a reflective process in which the clinician compares their performance to a standard. With an absence of standards, or standards created in different contexts than in which one is practicing, self-assessment for clinicians is challenging. Doable, but challenging. Typically, this style of needs assessment looks like surveys sent to clinicians, asking them about their learning needs, and maybe even the learning needs of their colleagues. These surveys often ask about areas they would like to expand into, areas which they feel they struggle in, areas which they may feel they need updating on (such as new practice guidelines or new pharmaceuticals), and even challenging patient cases. Some surveys may even go so far as to ask about the patient population which they serve; however, this is all from the point of view of the clinician. If we were to extend to the point of view of the community – what would this look like? Furthermore, if we did extend our needs assessment to include the view of the community, would this enable CPD programs to evaluate effectiveness at the community level? Undoubtedly, this opens up another area for discussion on how to access data longitudinally and how to attribute CPD educational interventions to changes at the community level. (We look forward to discussing this more in upcoming CE News issues.)

    When conducting CPD needs assessments with the clinician point-of-view as the unit of analysis, we are probably gathering robust data on perceived clinician needs. However, this may or may not meet the needs of patients. We know that people avoid seeking medical care, and that this number is as high as one-third of the population in the US alone (Taber, Leyva, & Persoskie, 2015). A recent study in Canada shows that racism still serves as a major barrier in accessing health and social services (Monchalin, Smylie, & Nowgesic, 2020). Further, there are system barriers which challenge access for new Canadians (Salamo, Mason, Salma, Yohani, Amin, Okeke-Ihejirinka, & Ladha, 2020), and for those living in material and social deprivation (Loignon, Hudon, Goulet, Boyer, De Laat, Fournier, Grabovschi, & Bush, 2015), among many other stories of people who are unable to access health care, even when they live in a country with a universal healthcare system. We think it is important to consider the actual recipients of healthcare – currently and in the hopeful future, as access is expanded. In order to capture broader community needs the CPD needs assessment process should consider the community as a unit of analysis, in addition to continuing with the clinician as a unit of analysis.

    So where to now? Do we advocate for removing the clinician point of view from needs assessment? Absolutely not. We need to strike a better balance of assessing the needs of the clinicians and the needs of those that clinicians serve - the actual recipients of healthcare.


    1. Davis, D. A., Mazmanian, P. E., Fordis, M., Van Harrison, R. T. K. E., Thorpe, K. E., & Perrier, L. (2006). Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observed measures of competence: a systematic review. Jama, 296(9), 1094-1102.
    2. Epstein, R. M., Siegel, D. J., & Silberman, J. (2008). Self-monitoring in clinical practice: a challenge for medical educators. The Journal of continuing education in the health professions, 28(1), 5–13. https://doi.org/10.1002/chp.149
    3. Loignon, C., Hudon, C., Goulet, É., Boyer, S., De Laat, M., Fournier, N., Grabovschi, C., & Bush, P. (2015). Perceived barriers to healthcare for persons living in poverty in Quebec, Canada: the EQUIhealThY project. International journal for equity in health, 14(1), 1-11.https://doi.org/10.3102/10769986002003171
    4. Monchalin, R., Smylie, J., & Nowgesic, E. (2020). “I guess I shouldn’t come back here”: Racism and discrimination as a barrier to accessing health and social services for urban Métis women in Toronto, Canada. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 7(2), 251-261.
    5. Salami, B., Mason, A., Salma, J., Yohani, S., Amin, M., Okeke-Ihejirika, P., & Ladha, T. (2020). Access to healthcare for immigrant children in Canada. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(9), 3320.
    6. Taber, J. M., Leyva, B., & Persoskie, A. (2015). Why do people avoid medical care? A qualitative study using national data. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(3), 290-297.

    Eleftherios K. Soleas, PhD is Director of Continuing Professional Development, Professional Development & Educational Scholarship, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen's University and Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario

    Helen Mawdsley, EdD is Director of Research, Office of Continuing Competency and Assessment , Assistant Professor, Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Canada

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  • 31 May 2022 4:55 PM | Deleted user

    Column Editor: Helena Prior Filipe, MD, MMEd

    This column aims to generate a conversation on how continuing education and practice development is currently viewed and developed around the world, especially through the lens of the educator. We will acknowledge a variety of experiences and systems of continuing professional development (CPD) to support healthcare professionals’ (HCP) lifelong learning.

    Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for Ophthalmologists and Other Specialty Physicians in Africa

    By Professor Ciku Mathenge, MD (Rwanda)

    A few years ago, I was asked to write something about my own experience with CPD for a journal. In the article1, I described my own journey in trying to keep my knowledge and skills current having realized that many of my patients knew a whole lot more about their conditions than I, a fresh graduate from residency thought they did. I therefore made decisions and plans on how to keep myself at the top of my game. Those decisions included regularly attending at least one international conference a year, reading and listening to others a lot- journal articles, online articles, listening to webinars, being a member of my ophthalmic society and surrounding myself with mentors.

    Many ophthalmologists, as well as physicians in other specialties on the African continent, engage in exactly these same type of activities for their own learning and development. We attend annual congresses. For my specialty, the College of Ophthalmology of Eastern Central and Southern Africa and the Ophthalmology Society of South Africa are the high-level congresses that attract participants from multiple African countries. Similarly, networks of clinicians flourish in Africa acting as consultation and mentoring platforms. Notable examples are the African Retinal Society (ARS) Forum, the Young Ophthalmology network of the African Council of Ophthalmology. A difficult retina case seen in Nigeria will be posted on the ARS WhatsApp platform and within minutes opinions will be provided from as far as South Africa or Egypt. Similar networks are used by other specialty physician groups in an attempt to share knowledge and to learn from the patient care experiences of colleagues.

    Besides the above professional support activities, the majority of health regulatory bodies2,3 in Africa now require a certain amount of professional development every year in order for one to retain their clinical practice license. A range of 30-50 hours of CPD hours/credits must be reported each year for license renewal. This is often achieved through a mix of structured and unstructured CPD activity hours. This requirement has inadvertently led to the strengthening of professional societies which have put in place structures to help their members achieve CPD targets. Many societies and medical regulatory bodies now provide personal portals through which members have access to their own personalized online CPD logs4. There are no concessions with respect to medical specialty, age or part-time vs fulltime workers.

    CPD takes time and energy, and it will sometimes take our ophthalmologists out of their comfort zone but many have recognized that whether this is a licensing requirement or not, keeping up-to-date with what is happening in our rapidly changing field, allows one not to lose credibility and potentially expose our patients to risks. This ongoing maintenance of professional competence has become a key component in raising the standards of professionalism for the eye health services sector and all other specialties in Africa.

    1Mathenge W. Keeping my professional development continuous. Community Eye Health. 2017;30(97):6.




    Prof Ciku Mathenge MD, MSc, PhD is the Director of Training and Research, Rwanda International Institute of Ophthalmology, and Chair, Education Committee, College of Ophthalmology of Eastern Central and Southern Africa.

    Helena Prior Filipe, MD, MMEd, is a consultant in the College of Ophthalmology of the Portuguese Medical Association International Council of Ophthalmology, University of Lisbon, Portugal, hpriorfilipe@gmail.com

  • 31 May 2022 4:49 PM | Deleted user

    Column Editor: Vjeko Hlede, PhD, DVM, CHCP

    This column aims to provide insight and practical information on the impact of e-learning on CME/CPD and the latest trends in technology available to enhance the online learning experience.

    Technology-Enhanced CPD: Sailing Safely Through the COVID-19 Storm and Building a Better New Normal

    By Vjekoslav Hlede, PhD, DVM, CHCP

    This is a story of growth. CE News E-learning & Technology column posts are usually written as a delicate balance between the need to tackle complex socio-technical aspects of technology-enhanced CPD (TECPD) and the need to deliver a short, easy-to-read article that CE news readers expect. Therefore, one of the first posts I created for CE News got editors' feedback "this is a good article, but it looks like something that may work better in a journal such as JCEHP, rather than for CE news." I'm pleased to say that that article has been published in the latest JCEHP edition (May 2021).

    It is published at the perfect time – just as SACME formed the Technology-enhanced CPD Committee.

    Therefore, I invite you to:

    1. Check the article – it describes the context that shapes technology-enhanced CPD, and
    2. Review the SACME Technology-enhanced CPD Committee Charter and the Capacity building strategy. They present a set of structures and strategies we can use to deliver better TECPD.
    3. Provide feedback or apply to join our Committee here: https://forms.gle/ZebzUPerwJofqzuK7

    Abstract: COVID-19 has shocked our CME/CPD world and the broader educational system. It has activated existing semi- dormant forces, creating a perfect storm of changes. While the crisis will hopefully be over soon, other forces are here to stay. This paper discusses (1) the interaction between the newly emboldened forces, (2) strategies we can use to navigate through the COVID storm safely, and (3) how we can utilize all available forces to create long-lasting positive change in CME/CPD.

    Vjekoslav Hlede, Ph.D., is an LMS Manager with the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Chicago.

  • 31 May 2022 4:45 PM | Deleted user


    Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)

    AMEE 2022 and Ottawa 2022 will be held as sequential but separate conferences in Lyon, France. AMEE 2022, August 27-31; AMEE Ottowa, August 26-28. Details at: https://amee.org/conferences/amee-2022

  • 31 May 2022 4:30 PM | Deleted user

    SACME Paul Mazmanian Early Career Research Grant: Coming Soon! - The Scholarship Committee of the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) is pleased to announce a new grant opportunity in memory of Paul Mazmanian. The SACME Board of Directors is finalizing the criteria for the grant but expects to make the announcement in 2022.

    Patient-centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)New Cycle 2-2022 PCORI Funding Announcements Open: View the PFAsCheck for research areas and upcoming application deadlines.

    Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) offers a variety of grants to support medical educators, clinicians, and researchers. Selected opportunities include:

    Find more RCPSC funding information here.

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